...we have five ways of getting the word out regarding cancellations or changes to our service schedule.
- There will be an announcement on Christian radio station WPEL (96.5 FM).
- Changes will be posted to the front page of the church website (www.canaanbiblechapel.org).
- Changes will be posed to the C.B.C. Facebook page (www.facebook.com/canaanbiblechapel).
- We will send a direct e-mail to those who have given us an e-mail address. If you receive Pastor Dan's mid-week and Saturday evening e-mails, you are already on that list.
- You may sign up to receive a direct text message. To do so, text the message @cbcspec to 81010. (Please note that this text line is different from the Prayer Chain text line. If you are signed up to receive texting prayer chain messages, you are NOT automatically registered to receive special weather announcements.)